Universitas Pattimura yang kita kenal dengan singkatan Unpatti, merupakan salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) yang mengikuti Seleksi SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) pada Tahun Akademik 2021/2022. Universitas Pattimura menawarkan berbagai program studi (jurusan), pada berbagai fakultas yang terdapat di PTN tersebut.

Secara nasional hasil dari Seleksi SBMPTN tersebut akan diumumkan oleh Panitia SBMPTN 2021 yakni LTMPT yang merupakan Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi penyelenggara tes masuk Perguruan Tinggi bagi calon mahasiswa baru berdasarkan kesetaraan, keadilan, fleksibilitas, efisiensi, serta akuntabel. LTMPT merupakan lembaga penyelenggara tes masuk Perguruan Tinggi (PT) bagi calon mahasiswa baru secara terstruktur dan terukur.

LTMPT (Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi) yang berkantor di Komplek Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Jalan Pintu I Senayan, Jakarta menjadwalkan Pengumuman Kelulusan Seleksi Sbmptn Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 secara online pada Hari Senin, tanggal 14 Juni yang dapat dicek (dilihat) pada tanggal 14 Juni 2021 Pukul 15.00 WIB pada Laman Resmi Pengumuman Kelulusan Seleksi Sbmptn yaitu : pengumuman-sbmptn.ltmpt.ac.id atau bisa dicek (dilihat) pada pada Laman Resmi PTN Mirror.

Selanjutnya untuk adik-adik yang memilih salah satu atau semua program studi (jurusan) yang ditawarkan oleh Universitas Pattimura, apabila terdapat kendala untuk mengakses Laman pengumuman-sbmptn.ltmpt.ac.id, bisa dicoba untuk membuka Laman Resmi PTN Universitas Pattimura pada Laman Unpatti.ac.id. Bahkan adik-adik yang kurang yakin dengan status kelulusannya pun boleh-boleh saja untuk mengeceknya di Situs Resmi Universitas Pattimura yakni Unpatti.ac.id.

Mudah-mudahan Universitas Pattimura (Unpatti) bisa benar-benar mendapatkan calon mahasiswa baru yang diperkirakan mempunyai keberhasilan studi di Universitas Pattimura (Unpatti). Selain itu kita semua tentunya berharap bahwa masyarakat akan mendapat kenyamanan dan kemanfaatan yang lebih, dengan kata lain masyarakat Indonesia dengan seleksi SBMPTN ini akan mendapatkan kenyamana dan kemanfaatan yang lebih, karena Penerimaan mahasiswa baru Program Sarjana pada PTN diselenggarakan dengan prinsip Adil, Akuntabel, Fleksibel, Efisien, serta Transparan.

Prinsip Adil yaitu tidak membedakan agama, suku, ras, jenis kelamin, umur, kedudukan sosial, kondisi fisik, dan tingkat kemampuan ekonomi calon mahasiswa, dengan tetap memperhatikan potensi dan prestasi akademik calon mahasiswa dan kekhususan Program Studi di PTN yang bersangkutan. Prinsip Akuntabel, yaitu dilaksanakan sesuai dengan prosedur dan kriteria yang jelas. Prinsip Fleksibel, yaitu pelaksanaan TPS diselenggarakan beberapa kali dan setiap calon mahasiswa dapat menempuh lebih dari satu kali tes. Prinsip Efisien, yaitu penyelenggaraan tes masuk PTN menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, pelibatan sumber daya manusia, dan fleksibilitas waktu; dan Prinsip Transparan, yaitu pelaksanaan penerimaan mahasiswa baru PTN dilakukan secara terbuka dan hasil pelaksanaan dapat diakses secara mudah.

Semoga artikel panduan Pengumuman Kelulusan Seleksi Sbmptn Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 di Universitas Pattimura (Unpatti) ini bisa membantu pada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan terutama para siswa peserta Sbmptn Tahun Akademik 2021/2022, Amin Ya Allah Ya Rabbal 'Alamin!

- Unpatti.ac.id
- ltmpt.ac.id
- ujiantulis.com
- programstudi.com
- banpt.id
- pendidikandokter.com
- kedokteran.net
- seleksimandiri.com
- banpt.blogspot.com


Unpatti atau Universitas Pattimura merupakan universitas negeri yang didirikan pada tanggal 23 April 1963 dengan Surat Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 66. Pattimura adalah nama pahlawan asal Maluku yang berjuang melawan penjajah. Universitas Pattimura terletak di bagian Utara kota Ambon, ibukota Provinsi Maluku, yaitu di Kampus Poka kampus dengan luas 75 hektar ini merupakan kebanggaan rakyat Maluku dan telah menghasilkan lulusan dari berbagai bidang ilmu. Sampai saat ini terdapat 8 fakultas di Universitas Pattimura dan Program Pendidikan Kedokteran sebagai tuntutan masyarakat di daerah Maluku.

Sejarah berdirinya Universitas Pattimura bermula pada saat beberapa tokoh masyarakat mengambil prakarsa untuk mendirikan suatu lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi di Maluku yang dimulai oleh seorang tokoh pendidikan yaitu Dr. J. B. Sitanala (almarhum). Dr. J. B. Sitanala adalah seorang dokter, tokoh di Maluku yang berjasa dalam bidang kemasyarakatan pada urnumnya dan bidang pendidikan pada khususnya. Prakarsa diambil untuk mewujudkan aspirasi rakyat yang berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan Bangsa dan Negara terutama dalam bidang Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan.

Untuk mewujudkan cita-cita yang luhur itu dibentuk suatu Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Maluku Irian Barat pada tanggal 20 Juli 1955 yang diketuai oleh Bapak Cornelis Loppies. Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1956 Yayasan tersebut berhasil mendirikan Fakultas Hukum, yang kemudian tanggal ditetapkan sebagai hari lahir Universitas Pattimura. Selanjutnya berturut-turut didirikan Fakultas Sosial dan Politik pada tanggal 6 Oktober 1959, dan tanggal 10 September 1961 dibuka Fakultas Keguruan dan llmu Pendidikan.

Untuk menjadi sebuah Universitas Negeri, syaratnya harus ada sekurang-kurangnya dua Fakultas Eksakta. Itulah sebabnya maka pemerintah memutuskan membuka dua Fakultas Eksakta, masing-masing Fakultas Pertanian Kehutanan dan Fakultas Peternakan yang peresmiannya dilakukan pada tanggal 1 September 1963. Dengan bertambahnya dua Fakultas Eksakta tersebut, maka pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1962 Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Maluku Irian Barat diresmikan menjadi Universitas Negeri dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri PTIP Nomor 99 tahun 1962 tanggal 8 Agustus 1962 yang meliputi lima Fakultas yakni:

1. Fakultas Hukum

2. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

3. Fakultas Sosial Politik

4. Fakultas Pertanian Kehutanan

5. Fakultas Peternakan.

Kemudian dengan Surat Keputusan Presiden Nomor 66 Tahun 1963, tanggal 23 April 1963 mengesahkan pendirian Universitas di Ambon dan diberi nama Universitas Pattimura. Universitas tersebut dipimpin oleh presidium yang selanjutnya pada tanggal 15 September 1965 dibuka Fakultas Ekonomi dan pada tanggal 16 April 1970 dibuka Fakultas Teknik yang memanfaatkan bangunan-bangunan eks proyek Fakultas Teknologi Ambon (FTA). Pada bulan Agustus 1964 Fakultas Keguruan dan llmu Pendidikan beralih status menjadi IKIP Jakarta Cabang Ambon dengan Rektornya Drs. F.F.H. Matruty. Kemudian pada tanggal 16 September 1969 IKIP Jakarta Cabang Ambon diintegrasikan kembali ke dalam Universitas Pattimura menjadi dua fakultas yaitu Fakultas Keguruan dan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan. Pada tahun 1974 Fakultas Petemakan dilengkapi dengan jurusan Perikanan dan sekaligus mengalami perubahan nama menjadi Fakultas Peternakan/Perikanan.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Rl Nomor 73 Tahun 1982 tentang susunan organisasi Universitas Pattimura, maka pada saat ini Universitas Pattimura memiliki tujuh Fakultas, yaitu:

1. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

2. Fakultas Hukum

3. Fakultas Ekonomi

4. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

5. Fakultas Pertanian

6. Fakultas Perikanan

7. Fakultas Teknik.

Dengan Surat Keputusan Presiden Nomor 40/M Tahun 1971, Ir. L. Nanlohy (Dekan Fakultas Teknik) ditetapkan sebagai Rektor Universitas Pattimura yang pertama. Kemudian dengan SK Presiden Nomor 69/M Tahun 1976, M.R. Lestaluhu, S.H. diangkat sebagai Rektor Unpatti yang kedua, yang selanjutnya dengan SK Presiden RI Nomor 43/M Tahun 1981 beliau ditetapkan untuk masa jabatan kedua.

Setelah itu dengan SK Presiden Nomor 89/M Tahun 1985 DR. Ir. J. Ch. Lawalatta, M.Sc. ditetapkan sebagai Rektor Universitas Pattimura. Sebagai Rektor yang berikut yaitu Prof. DR. Ir. J. L. Nanere, M.Sc. ditetapkan dengan Surat Keputusan Presiden Nomor 247/M Tahun 1989. Selanjutnya dengan SK Presiden Nomor 207/M Tahun 1994 ditetapkan DR. M. Huliselan sebagai Rektor Universitas Pattimura, selanjutnya Prof. DR. H.B. Tetelepta, MPd sejak Tahun 2004 sampai sekarang diangkat sebagai rektor Unpatti.

Semoga bermanfaat, Amin Ya Allah Ya Rabbal 'Alamin!

- unpatti.ac.id
- ujiantulis.com
- unsd.org
- programstudi.com
- banpt.id
- pendidikandokter.com
- kedokteran.net
- seleksimandiri.com
- banpt.blogspot.com


Sisdiksat (Education Satellite System) is: one unit of technical work under the sub-unit BKS (Cooperation Agency) Higher Education eastern Indonesia. This division previously worked preparing an online-based learning system that involves approximately 20 both public and private university incorporated therein through VSAT with an integrated audio system teleconference. Later systems have been merged by each university with its own ISP systems that implement the process of learning and sharing information online via the internet or intranet. Pattimura University in Ambon since October of 2004 during the leadership of Prof.. DR. H.B. Tetelepta, MPd with backup Vice Rector of Cooperation (Mr. H. Hattu, SH, MH) for the first time this system was built facilities to support such a system, ISP (Internet Service Provider) with satellite bandwidth capacity of 128 Kbps. Operating all technical devices such ISP system including expansion and development of LAN (Local Area Network) or through the WAP system (warles accsess point) that reach work unit within Unpatti since it was built until now entrusted to the managers of their own Sisdiksat initiated by (Latu Wattimury) as Chief Lab.Sisdiksat Unpatti. Currently Sisdiksat Unpatti already has 1 unit WARNET (UNPATTI. NET), facilitated with 25 units complete with a multimedia computer system, including high-resolution web Came as a means of supporting the process of learning the internet, as well as sharing information tekologi. WARNET This function puts good use of the Internet service through regular training and use of internet services to all citizens openly Unpatti Ambon academic community, both the lecturers, staff and students. In addition to serving the academic community residents Unpatti Unpatti.Net also open for general internet use for the citizens of Ambon city, of course, with time the use of adjusted to the regular schedule of campus.

Since the beginning of December 2006 the manager has built Sisdiksat through the Internet network linking poka PGSD to campus with a range of about 8.5 km. Interlink System campus to campus poka PGSD is done in a point to point with a perfect through the antenna grid 24 Db. Thus, in early January 2007 will have to teraccess kuarang 10 client LAN at the headquarters campus poka, and also 1 (single) base network WAP (warless access point) that can assist Internet users in other work units without wires (wireless) . With the internet on campus terkoneksinya poka, it means the availability of satellite bandwidth is 128 kbps which already is not adequate to serve the needs of Unpatti. It is expected in 2007 will be no increase in satellite bandwidth capacity of a minimum of 128 Kbps to 256 Kbps.

Photo Gallery Unpatti.Net situation and the availability of facilities in the operational activities Unpatti.Net activities each day as follows:

Server Room

Network Facilities Campus Links PGSD - Campus poka

Client Computer Room Facilities Unpatti.Net Sisdiksat

Training Activities at Unpatti.net



Pattimura University Campus Locations

At first Pattimura University is located at Jalan Ir. M. Putuhena, poka area, Ambon. Post-riots, academic activities switch to an alternative campus locations in campus locations Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) Ambon.

Currently the campus is on fire in the area poka been rebuilt and is expected to take place re-academic activities on campus in second semester 2005. Therefore, the campus will alternartif PGSD currently used will function as the Graduate Faculty of the University of Pattimura and center of long-distance education system.

PGSD alternative campus locations in downtown Ambon.

Campus PGSD - Computer Center and the Satellite Education System

Campus PGSD - Lecture Room

Campus Atmosphere



A. Rector & Vice Rector

Rector was the assistant Minister of Education and Culture in the areas of duties in addition to his position as lead manager Pattimura University.

1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Rector
1. Leading the implementation of education, research, and community service, mentoring staff, students, administrative staff and its relationship with the environment.
2. Developing and carrying out cooperation with agencies, private agencies and communities to solve problems that arise, especially concerning the areas of responsibility.
In carrying out everyday tasks, Rector is assisted by 4 (four) Vice Rector who is under and directly responsible to the Rector.
Vice Rector shall consist of:
1. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Vice Rector hereinafter referred to as I.
2. Vice Rector for General Administration, hereinafter referred to the Vice Rector II.
3. Vice Rector for Student Affairs Vice Rector III hereinafter.
4. Assistant Rector for Cooperation, hereinafter referred to Vice Rector IV.
2. Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice Rector
1. Vice Rector I have a duty to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of education, research, community service, and planning.
2. Vice Rector II has the duty to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of activities in the field of finance and aministrasi urnum.
3. Vice Rector III has the duty to assist the Rector in carrying out activities in the field of guidance and student welfare services.
4. Vice Rector IV has the duty to assist the Rector in leading the implementation of cooperation.

B. Senate Unpatti

Pattimura University Senate

Pattimura University Senate is chaired by the Rector, is the highest representative body of normative and Unpatti environment and have the main task and authority to:

1. Formulating basic policy guidelines for Unpatti leadership in implementing the tasks of leadership.
2. Formulate policy with respect to efforts to develop Unpatti and units that are a part.
3. To review, refine and then approved the Plan of budgetary revenues and expenditures proposed by the leader Unpatti Unpatti prior to the relevant budget plan submitted to the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education and Culture.
4. Formulate and periodically review the regulations implementing kebcbasan academic, academic freedom and autonomy pulpit in environmental science Unpatti.
5. Formulate policy with respect to the assessment of academic and professional activities of the lecturers, researchers, and students.
6. Formulate norms and standards and assess the implementation of the program - a program for Higher Education, research projects and development efforts to the community.
7. Consider a proposal from a faculty to open or close a department, courses, laboratories or studios before the proposal forwarded by the Rector to the Director General of Higher Education for approval.
8. Assessing leadership responsibilities with regard to the implementation of policy Unpatri conducted in akadernik year which has ended in each year beginning akadernik.
9. Giving consideration to the Minister regarding the proposed candidates to be appointed as the Rector and lecturers to be nominated as a stakeholder in the top academic position Lektor. (Lektor Head, Professor).
10. D igunakan formulate guidelines for assessing the activities of professors, researchers, administrative staff, mahasisvva, and community members as deemed necessary given the award, the procedures for the award - the award concerned.
11. Consider the proposal granting honorary doctorate presented to the Senate and when to approve the proposal in question inaugurate granting such title.
12. Handling cases of violation of academic ethics such as plagiarism and violation of other rules that may defame Unpatti conducted by lecturers when tersebuttidak cases can be resolved by the relevant Faculty Senate.
13. Giving advice, opinion or considerations regarding the problem - a problem that dlajukan to the Senate by the Executive Board Unpatti Unpatti to obtain responses and the Senate.
14. Held a recognition ceremony Professors.
15. Held a doctoral dissertation exam.
16. Organizing Graduation ceremony and anniversary Unpatti (Dies Natalis).

Unpatti Senate Membership consists of:

1. Rector ex offido, who acted as Chairman.
2. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs ex officio, who serves as Chairman when the Rector is absent.
3. Vice Rector Aministrasi Urnum, ex offido.
4. Vice Rector for Student Affairs, ex officio.
5. Assistant Rector for Development and Cooperation ex officio.
6. The Dean ex officio.
7. The Professor of tennasuk Professor Extraordinary.
8. The lecturer was not Professor of Representatives from each Faculty of 2 (two) persons elected and then appointed as a member of the Senate by the Chancellor with the consent of the Senate for a period of 2 (two) years with a possibility can be elected and reelected.

C. Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees as Unpatti completeness, its members consist of several public figures from the fields of science, government, education, and business. Duties and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees is to go take care of and help solve problems faced Unpatti, especially those related to efforts to gain community support and assistance for the progress and development.

D. Elements of Academic Executive

Faculty, Research, and Institute for Community Service is an executive element of academic Pattimura University, in addition to other supporting elements.

Position, duties, and functions

* Faculties shall mean the academic who conducted some of the main tasks and functions under the University Rector.
* Led by the Dean of the Faculty is directly responsible to the Rector.
* In performing its duties, the Dean is assisted by 3 (three) assistant dean.
* Assistant Dean under and directly responsible to the Dean.

Faculty have the task of coordinating and / or carry out academic education and / or professionals in one or a set of branches of science, technology, and / or certain art.

To perform this task Faculty has a function:

1. Implement and develop education
2. Conducting research for the development of science, technology, and / or art
3. Carry out community service.
4. Implementing academic coaching.
5. Carry out administrative affairs of the Faculty.

Organizational Structure of the Faculty consists of:

1. Dean and Assistant Dean

Dean of the task; lead the implementation of education, penelitfan, community service, foster tenuga staff, students, administrative staff, faculty and administration and is responsible to the Rector.

Assistant Dean consists of:
* Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, hereinafter called the Assistant Dean 1.
* Assistant Dean for Administrative Urnum hereinafter referred to as the Assistant Dean II.
* Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, hereinafter called the Assistant Dean III.

Task Assistant Dean:
* Vice Dean I have the duty to assist the Dean in leading the implementation of education, research, and community service.
* Assistant Dean II has the duty to assist the Dean in leading the implementation of activities in the field of administration urnum.
* Assistant Dean III has the duty to assist the Dean in the implementation of activities in the field of guidance and student welfare services.
2. Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate is the highest representative body of normative and in the Faculty who have the duty and authority to:
* Formulate the basic policies that serve as guidelines for the Faculty Executive Board in carrying out his leadership duties in accordance with the policies formulated by the Senate Unpatti.
* To formulate policies relating to faculty development efforts as well as units that are a part.
* Reviewing, menyempurnkan and then rnenyetujui Plan Budget Faculty presented by the Faculty Executive Board prior to the Leadership Unpatti proposed.
* Consider the opening Programs, Laboratory / Studio and courses of study for submission to the Senate of the University.
* Formulating policies with the assessment activities and professional akadernik peneliri lecturers and students.
* Determine the capacity of new students and students who are entitled to graduate.
* Assess the accountability of the Faculty Executive Board at the beginning of each academic year with respect to the implementation of policies set by the University Senate.
* Giving perrimbangan to the Rector of the candidates proposed to be appointed as the Dean, Vice Dean, Chairman and Secretary of the Department, Head of Laboratory, and Head of Study Program.
* Handle the cases pclanggaran academic ethics and other rules violations that could defame the Faculty if the violation was committed by the lecturers or students of the Faculty concerned. Faculty Senate may also decide to submit a case to the University Senate to be handled at the level of a higher kewenang.
* Provide advice, opinion or considerations relating to the issues submitted to the Faculty Senate by the Faculty Executive Board to obtain responses from the Senate.
3. Department
* Programs are academic in the Faculty executive element in a particular field of study that is under the dean.
* Department headed by an elected Chairman of the Department between lecturers and is responsible directly to the Dean.
* In performing its duties, Chairman of the Department is assisted by a Secretary of the Department.
* Department responsible for carrying out academic and or professional education in a part or a branch of science, technology and / or certain art.
4. Study Program
* Implementation Studies Program led by the Head of Study Program is assisted by a secretary courses.
* Chairman and Secretary-Study Program is appointed and dismissed by the Rector upon the recommendation of the Dean and after obtaining perrimbangan University Senate.
* Chairman bcrtanggung Studies Program reports to the Head of Department or academic unit executing it is under.
5. Laboratory / Studio

Laboratory / Studio is a tool supporting the implementation of education in the majors in academic and or professional education. Laboratory / Studio led by a lecturer whose expertise has fulfilled the requirements according to the branch of science, technology and / or a particular art and be responsible to the Chairman of the Department langiung Laboratory / Studio. Has the task to perform activities in the branch of science, technology, and or certain art as supporting the implementation of major basic tasks in accordance with the provisions of the relevant field. The term of office Laborato-rium/Studio Head is 3 (three) years and may be reappointed.
6. Lecturer

Is a faculty lecturer in the Faculty which is under and directly responsible to the Dean. Lecturer consists of:
* Lecturer usual
* Lecturer extraordinary
* Guest Lecturer

Lecturers have the primary duty of teaching, coaching and / or train students and conduct research and community service.
7. Division of Administration

The administration has the task of carrying out administrative and Urnum Affairs, equipment, finance, personnel and education in the Faculty. To perform this task, the Division of Administration has the following functions:
* Carry out administrative urnum and equipment.
* Carry out financial and personnel administration.
* Conducting educational administration.
* Carry out the administration of student affairs and alumni.

Research Institutions

1. Research institutes are implementing elements of the academic who conducted some of the main tasks and functions of universities in the field of research which is under the Rector.
2. Research institute headed by a chairman who is directly responsible to the Rector.
3. In performing its duties, the Chairman is assisted by a secretary.

Research Institute has the task to implement, coordinate, monitor, assess implementation of research activities conducted by the Center for Research and active work and administrative control necessary resources. To perform this task has the function of research institutions:

* Carry out pure research, technology, and or art.
* Conducting research science technology and / or a certain artistry to support pombangunan.
* Conducting research to education and development institutions.
* Carry out scientific research, technology, and / or arts and research to develop a conception of national development, regional, and / or regional cooperation in both the domestic as well as with abroad.
* Carry out administrative affairs of the institution.

Institute for Community Service

1. Institute for Community Service is an executive element of the academic who conducted some of the main tasks and functions of universities in the field of neglect to the people who are under the Rector.
2. Institute for community service led by a chairman who is directly responsible to the Rector.
3. In performing its duties, the Chairman is assisted by a secretary.

Community Services Agency Task Namely, performing the act of dedication to the community and go seek the necessary resources. To carry out these tupas Community Service Agency has a function:

* The practice of science, technology, and / or art.
* Meningkatkanrelevansi Pattimura University program in accordance with the needs of the community.
* Helping communities to implement development.
* Implement development patterns and conceptions of national development, regional and / or the region through cooperation among universities and / or other agencies both in and with foreign countries.
* Carry out administrative affairs of the institution.

E. Supporting Units

To support the course of education systems at the University of Pattimura Ambon, then there are approximately four Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), which serves to perform official duties Good To the students, as well as against the whole Civitas Academica Pattimura University. Fourth Unit is directly responsible to the Rector As Head of the University of Pattimura Ambon. Fourth Unit include:

* UPT Library
* Computer Unit
* Service Unit Basic Sciences
* Guidance and Counselling Unit

F. Elements of Executive Administration

Executive Administrative Elements includes two sections or two Bureau namely:
Academic Registrar, Student Affairs, Planning, and Information Systems

Academic Registrar, Student Affairs, Planning and Information System is the element of leadership aide in the field of academic administration, student affairs, planning, and information system is under and directly responsible to the Rector. This Bureau has the task of providing administrative services in the areas of academic, student affairs, planning and Information System at the University Pattimura. To perform this task Administrative Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, Planning, and Information Systems has the following functions:

1. Carry out administrative and educational cooperation.
2. Implement student affairs administration.
3. Carry out the administration of planning and information systems.

In carrying out everyday tasks under the guidance Deputy Rector-I, the Bureau is headed by a chief and in charge of three parts:

1. Section Education and Cooperation.

This section has the task of carrying out educational administration, research, and community service and cooperation. To perform this task and Cooperation Education Section has the following functions:
* Implement educational administration and evaluation.
* Carry out administrative registration and statistics.
* Carry out the administration of educational facilities.
* Carry out administrative cooperation.

Section of Education and Co-operation is also composed of four sub-section are:

* Sub Division of Education and Evaluation, perform administrative duties of education and evaluation.
* Sub Division of Registration and Statistics, perform their duties Registration and Statistics.
* Sub Division Educational Facility, perform administrative duties of educational facilities.
* Sub Division Cooperation, perform administrative duties of cooperation.
2. Student Section

Student Affairs Section mernpunyai duty to student affairs administration. To carry out the task, Section Student Affairs has the following functions:
* Implement Administrative Interests, Reasoning, and Student Information.
* Conducting student welfare services.

Student Affairs Section consists of two Sub-Section are:
* Sub-Part Interest, Reasoning and Information Affairs, has the task of administering interest, reasoning and student information.
* Sub Division Student Welfare Services, has the task to student welfare services.
3. Part Planning and Information Systems.

Part Planning and Information Systems responsible for carrying out Administration and Information Systems Planning. To carry out these duties, the Planning and Information System has the following functions:
* Carry out administrative planning.
* Carry out administrative information systems.

Part Planning and Information System consists of two Sub-Section are:
* Sub Division of Planning, has the task of administering the academic and physical planning.
* Sub Division of Information Systems, has the task of collecting and processing data and information services.

Bureau of Public Administration and Finance

Bureau of Public Administration and Finance is the element of leadership aide in the field of public administration and finance under and directly responsible to the Rector. In carrying out everyday tasks under the guidance Rector II. This Bureau has the task of providing general administrative services and finance at the University Pattimura. To carry out these tasks the Bureau of Public Administration and Finance has the following functions:
# Carry out administrative affairs, home life, law and governance and equipment.
# Implementing civil service affairs.
# Carry out financial affairs.

The Bureau is headed by a chief and supervising three part al.:

1. General, Law and Management and Supplies.

General, Legal, Management, and Equipment has the task of conducting public affairs, domestic, law, managing and equipment. To perform this task this section has the following functions:
* Implement Administrative affairs.
* Implement Domestic affairs.
* Implement Legal affairs and Management.
* Implement Supplies affairs.

General, Legal, Management, and Equipment consists of four Sub-Section are:
* Sub-Division of Administration, has the task of administrative affairs.
* Sub Division of Household, has the task of doing the housekeeping.
* Sub-section laxsana law and has the task to conduct the affairs of law and legislation, governance and community relations.
* Sub Division supplies equipment has the task of doing business.
2. Section Officer

Section Officer has the task of implementing civil service affairs. Personnel Section has a function:
* Carry out the administration of academic personnel.
* Carry out administrative personnel administration.

Personnel Section consists of two Sub-Section are:
* Sub Division Administration Academic Staff, his task; done academic personnel administration and academic support personnel.
* Sub Division Administrative Staff, has the task of administering the administrative power.
3. Finance Department

Finance Department responsible for carrying out financial administration within the Unpatri. To perform this task, the Finance Department has the following functions:
* Carry out administrative budget ru tin and coordinate the development budget.
* Carry out the administration of funds derived and the community.
* Carry out administrative monitoring and evaluation.

Finance Department consists of three Sub-Section are:
* Sub Routine and Development Budget Section, has the task of administering the regular budget and coordinating the development budget.
* Sub Division Community Fund, has the task to administer funds from the community.
* Monitoring and Evaluation Sub Division, responsible for carrying out the administration of monitoring and evaluation.




Pattimura University has a symbol that breaks down as follows:

1. Basic pentagonal emblem is a shield depicting the defense and the spirit of Pancasila as the foundation and soul and all forms of struggle and Dharma Bhakti Pattimura University.
2. Torch Pattimura, National Hero who comes and Maluku Regional with three forked tongue torch symbolizes Tri Dharma University. Dharma must be conducted with the soul and spirit of heroism.
3. Lotus flower symbolizes Science and Wisdom.
4. Pearls symbolize steadfastness in demanding science and fortitude in carrying out the Tri Dharma University, to obtain quality results.
5. Three pearls as well as crown and base ten petal lotus leaf Pattimura University described the day of birth is October 3rd. With the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 66 dated 23 April 1963, the day of birth Pattimura University celebrated on each April 23, although the symbol of pearls and the three basic tenth crown and petal lotus leaf is maintained according to historical data.
6. White symbolizes purity, Yellow symbolizes perseverance, Red symbolizes courage.
7. Motto: HOTUMESE (Flourishing In Challenge)


Flag Pattimura University quadrangular and pale blue base color with a symbol of the University placed in the middle.
Hymn and Mars

Pattimura University Hymn and Mars is the greatness of the songs performed at certain ceremonies.

Hymn Pattimura University

Pattimura University Pelambang
intelligence Nusa Bangsa
The symbol of the Incarnation of the demands of history
pewujud ideal of national unity.


You Kuberjanji, Kuberbakti For You, For You
Kumengabdi, for the glory of Mother Earth,
Generation builder Pattimura University of Pancasila
Science Research Center
for community service.

Mars Pattimura University

Indonesian Higher Education Pelambang nation intelligence
and mirrors for the common man, conscious of his vocation.
With Dharma Education and Research and devotion,
nation building loyal communities realize the ideals of Pancasila.
Pattimura University driving source of renewal.
Live (live) Live soul, suburiah herself.
Pattimura university faithful cadre of people create, store
force development evenly throughout the archipelago



Pattimura University before 2018 will be an excellent university and community leader in Higher Education held a three responsibilities sea-oriented island, supports the development, improve people's lives and improve the nation's culture.


In connection with the above vision, the University of Pattimura carry four missions, namely:

1. Creating and maintaining a healthy academic life and conducive to produce outcomes that pious, have a certain character and virtuous, cultured Indonesia, has the academic ability and scientific professionals, and has high performance in the marine environment of the island.
2. Building a productive scientific tradition in producing professional researchers and thinkers in various disciplines who are able to update their knowledge and power in its application for the benefit and progress of society.
3. Disseminate research findings as a service to the community in the form of action research and technology packages that encourage productive enterprise, improve the quality of life and quality of human welfare in a sustainable manner by developing community institutions to be able to utilize science and technology.
4. Empowering people actively to raise the community from backwardness, ignorance and poverty and the gaps between regions of the island through the utilization of science and technology as a form of equitable justice.


Pattimura University Profile

Pattimura University is a state university that was founded on April 23, 1963 with Presidential Decree Number 66. Pattimura is the name of the hero from Maluku who fought against the invaders. Pattimura University is located in the northern city of Ambon, the capital of Maluku province, namely in the Campus poka campus with an area of 75 hectares, this is the pride of the people of Maluku and has produced graduates from various fields of science. Until now there are 8 faculties at the University of Pattimura and in future development plans will be established Faculty of Medicine, as the demands of the communities in the Moluccas.

Since the occurrence of social conflict on January 19, 1999, and the exact date of July 4, 2000 Unpatti campus in poka destroyed, so that buildings and equipment lectures and books are all destroyed, causing Unpatti become very marginal.
But now with the reconstructed whole lecture hall as well as facilities and infrastructure on Campus poka, all campus activities have been re-functioned optimally as usual when, before the riot, as from the beginning in 2006 until now. Is expected to begin next year 2007 the entire lab practicum activities supporting both basic and Lab-Lab Lab others already completed practicum in dalamnnya given facility, so that they can be used as appropriate in order to serve the needs of the entire academic community Pattimura University. Thus Unpatti as the sole agency of State for Higher Education in the Moluccas, will be able to show his true identity as a place of higher education that serves to educate the people of Maluku regions according to function and Tridarma university itself.